May 03, 2006
Scrapped Princess

When we meet her, the titular princess, Pacifica Casull, is a bratty teenager on the run with her step-siblings, Shannon and Raquel. An ancient prophecy has identified her as the "poison that will destroy the world," and the "Church of Mauser" has decided to deal with any uncertainty about the interpretation of the prophecy by having her killed. As the story begins, a potpourri of assassins, mercenaries, and wannabee knights are in pursuit of the trio. In their sister's defense, Rachel proves herself a powerful priestess and Shannon a mighty paladin.
Two classes of archangels appear as well: Dragoons sent to protect Pacifica, and Peacemakers sent to carry out the will of the Church. But the most formidable of Pacifica's enemies is Christopher Armalite, an agent with the secret police, who eventually begins to question the rationality and morality of his actions. Yet another existential dilemma presents itself when Shannon's guardian angel, Zefiris, blandly informs him that he and their allies have been genetically programmed to rise to Pacifica's defense.
The question of predestination versus free will forms the central conflict of the story, a conflict that eventually extends to the entire world. It soon becomes apparent that this "medieval" civilization in fact is the remnant of a devastating conflict that occurred thousands of years in the past. Readers familiar with Dave Wolverton's Golden Queen novels (among others) will recognize the "back to the future" motif, along with Arthur C. Clarke's useful adage: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
With humankind trapped inside a Rousseauan bell jar, Pacifica must choose between the guaranteed safety of enforced innocence, and the perils of freedom and self-determination. But a fall from Edenic grace demands a sacrifice. In our iconoclastic age, fantasy is particularly adept at analogizing the complexities of scriptural symbolism. In this respect, Scrapped Princess finds the right balance, illustrating how the demands of prophecy, triggered by betrayal, are answered with blood and magic, culminating in resurrection and redemption.
I consider this no small achievement. In contrast to the ending of Scrapped Princess, I found the atonement scene in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe a weak representation of the material it was analogizing. I don't know if author Ichiro Sakaki intended the metaphor to be extended this far, but the European setting of the series, and the representation of the Church of Mauser as the return of the Holy Roman Empire ("neither Holy, Roman, nor an Empire"), makes it hard for me to believe he wasn't aware of it. In any case, it works wonderfully.
Related posts
The atonement of Pacifica Casull
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Labels: anime reviews, apocalyptic fiction, eschatology, magic, personal favs, religion, science fiction
GREAT blog! I only discovered it on a Google search about an hour ago - really original topics/take.
(But where's your Share function/Tweet button?!)
And your .com site is great, too! Truly! Being a C S Lewis fan, & in a CSL mood, I was Googling around and I found it and it left me astounded! Haven't learnt so much in an hour for a while! :)
I had a schoolfriend, in UK, who was Mormon, and I've never minded Mormons (exception: Glenn Beck); including Stephenie Meyer! :)
But I never realised Joseph Smith was quite so fascinating; apart from that story about the plates, which I learned at school &never knew whether to believe!
I never knew his ideas were Pelagian! (& are they Gnostic?)
Well: I'm a pagan btw. I shall have to tweet this round on my twitter & to a couple of Christian friends.
I never knew someone could be so intelligent as to unite Pullman and CSL rather than dividing them. And Young too - remarkable!!
(But where's your Share function/Tweet button?!)
And your .com site is great, too! Truly! Being a C S Lewis fan, & in a CSL mood, I was Googling around and I found it and it left me astounded! Haven't learnt so much in an hour for a while! :)
I had a schoolfriend, in UK, who was Mormon, and I've never minded Mormons (exception: Glenn Beck); including Stephenie Meyer! :)
But I never realised Joseph Smith was quite so fascinating; apart from that story about the plates, which I learned at school &never knew whether to believe!
I never knew his ideas were Pelagian! (& are they Gnostic?)
Well: I'm a pagan btw. I shall have to tweet this round on my twitter & to a couple of Christian friends.
I never knew someone could be so intelligent as to unite Pullman and CSL rather than dividing them. And Young too - remarkable!!
Thanks! You inspired me to figure out how to attach a Twitter button to my blog. When it comes to religion, I try to be as eclectically syncretic as possible. Mormons are an odd bunch in this respect, stridently materialistic and Pelagian on the one hand, and constantly tugged back toward conventional Protestantism on the other. When push comes to shove, attempts to compromise tend to deposit them in a sort of Gnostic no-man's-land.
While on the surface level the plot forms a neat metaphor, I don't think it explored the themes very well and here's why:
(Note: I wrote the review before I read your blog).
I admit I am not well-read or well-versed in history, so perhaps there are parallels and metaphors I missed, but the feeling that the show gave me was that it didn't do too much thinking into history and religion either.
(Note: I wrote the review before I read your blog).
I admit I am not well-read or well-versed in history, so perhaps there are parallels and metaphors I missed, but the feeling that the show gave me was that it didn't do too much thinking into history and religion either.