October 02, 2005
Chapter 4 (A Thousand Leagues of Wind)

蓬山 [ほうざん] Mt. Hou, not to be confused with the Kingdom of Hou (芳)
月渓 [げっけい] Gekkei, Marquis of Kei, Kingdom of Hou (Kei Province Lord), not to be confused with the Kingdom of Kei (慶)
玉葉 [ぎょくよう] Gyokuyou
坂県 [はんけん] Han County
新道 [しんどう] Shindou
沍姆 [ごぼ] Gobo
里家 [りけ] rike, a foster home for orphans and the aged
浮民 [ふみん] fumin, lit. "floating citizens"
Labels: 12 kingdoms, wind