January 13, 2025

Eugene Woodbury passed

Eugene Woodbury unexpectedly passed away at the age of 65 early January 2025. 

Memorial posts will appear on this blog in the upcoming months. They will address specific areas of Eugene's life, such as his love of go-carts and old televisions, his time in Japan, and his impressive translations. 


# posted by Anonymous Ryuuoh
1/14/2025 10:09 PM   
Farewell Mr. Woodbury. I've enjoyed your writing over the years.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous
1/15/2025 2:31 AM   
I to enjoyed your work. You will be so missed.
# posted by Blogger Recynon
1/16/2025 1:33 PM   
Big thanks to Eugene for his translation work as well as his interesting thoughts. May he rest in peace.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous
1/16/2025 1:44 PM   
does anyone have the funeral information? I'd like to go. I knew him as a kid
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous
1/21/2025 12:30 AM   
Rest in peace sir, and thank you for your wonderful work
# posted by Anonymous Navi
1/21/2025 12:00 PM   
Thank you Mr. Woodbury for the wonderful translation on the Twelve Kingdoms series. Your work has kept the fan community for this series alive, and I enjoyed your writing as well. Your translations had a level of care and professionalism not usually seen in fan TLs, and I believe your work contributed to the current licensing of the series. Rest in peace, you will be dearly missed.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous
1/21/2025 7:10 PM   
oh man .. learning about his passing as i saw news from 7s regarding their publishing calendar for the 12K novels is giving me whiplash. Thank you Mr Woodbury for your work in keeping the love for the series alive. RIP.
# posted by Anonymous whalelala
1/23/2025 1:43 PM   
I have visited Eugene’s blog repeatedly over the past 10+ years for his posts and translations on the Twelve Kingdoms series. I have been collecting his translations but haven’t gotten around to reading them yet. Sadly his sudden passing may finally be the spark for me to finally read his hard work on this series. He’s had a huge mark on this series for the English fanbase and that won’t be forgotten!
# posted by Anonymous tkkaine
1/29/2025 9:47 PM   
You will be missed Mr. Woodbury. I've loved visiting your blog to see your latest post about japan media news, or book reviews.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous
2/02/2025 10:58 AM   
RIP Mr. Woodbury. He left behind enough to never be forgotten.