November 28, 2020
Hills of Silver Ruins (1/27)
Keito (計都) is Gyousou's kijuu.
Labels: 12 kingdoms, black moon, fantasy, japanese, translations
November 21, 2020
Hills of Silver Ruins (1/26)
The Chousai (冢宰) serves as the Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Rikkan. In the governments of dynastic China, the Chousai was the Minister of Heaven and served as the minister-in-chief or prime minister. But in the Twelve Kingdoms, the Chousai need not be a member of the Rikkan. And there is the Taiho.
I think the Taiho better fits the literal meaning of prime minister. In Japan, the Chief Cabinet Secretary "coordinates the policies of ministries and agencies in the executive branch," a good description of the Chousai. Though in many kingdoms, the Chousai ends up running the government on a day-to-day basis.
I can imagine Keiki and even Youko being actively involved with the Rikkan while Shouryuu and Enki delegate most of their bureaucratic responsibilities. With the right people in charge, both approaches work.
In Japanese politics, the portfolio of the Chief Cabinet Secretary includes the duties of both the White House press secretary and the American vice-president. When Shinzo Abe resigned earlier this year, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga was elected prime minister by a large margin.
Labels: 12 kingdoms, black moon, fantasy, japanese, translations
November 14, 2020
Hills of Silver Ruins (1/25)
The Taisai (太宰) heads the Ministry of Heaven.
Labels: 12 kingdoms, black moon, fantasy, japanese, translations
November 07, 2020
Hills of Silver Ruins (1/24)
In terms of the weather, Taiki is referring to central Japan around Tokyo and Osaka, where most of the population lives. The Tohoku (northeast) region totals up some of the heaviest snowfalls in the world. Hokkaido is basically Minnesota with volcanos and earthquakes.
A hanjuu (半獣) is literally a "half beast." The other half is human. Like kirin, they can switch between human and animal forms.
The treatment of hanjuu varies throughout the Twelve Kingdoms. In Kou, hanjuu are harshly discriminated against, one reason Rakushun travels with Youko to En, where he can attend university. Youko abolished the anti-hanjuu laws in Kei and promoted Kantai, a hanjuu bear, to general in the Palace Guard.
Labels: 12 kingdoms, black moon, fantasy, japanese, translations