March 25, 2023

Hills of Silver Ruins (4/32)

The Enchou (燕朝) encompasses the personal residences of the Inner Palace and the Imperial Court of the Outer Palace. It is above the Sea of Clouds and has direct access to the Forbidden Gate.

Although the furigana in this instance read simply as "clock," the kanji (漏刻) refer specifically to a water clock or clepsydra. Sophisticated water clocks were invented in China as early as 600 BC.

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March 18, 2023

Hills of Silver Ruins (4/31)

I've posted chapter 31 (book 4) of Hills of Silver Ruins, a Pitch Black Moon.

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March 11, 2023

Hills of Silver Ruins (4/30)

The Hall of Supreme Harmony (奉天殿) is the largest building within the Forbidden City. Built in 1421 during the Ming dynasty, it was destroyed by fire several times during the Qing dynasty, and rebuilt in his current form between 1695 and 1697.

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March 04, 2023

Hills of Silver Ruins (4/29)

A real world example of the machinations described by Ansaku is the quote attributed to Henry II of England, "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" Though not an order, the outburst prompted four knights in the king's retinue to ride to Canterbury and kill Archbishop Thomas Becket.

Later in the chapter we see preference falsification in action.

A taika (胎果) is a person born in China or Japan because of a shoku event that transplanted a ranka (卵果) into the body of a pregnant woman. A child like Youko will genetically resemble her parents until she returns to the Twelve Kingdoms, at which point she "sheds" her outer skin.

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