March 25, 2023
Hills of Silver Ruins (4/32)
Although the furigana in this instance read simply as "clock," the kanji (漏刻) refer specifically to a water clock or clepsydra. Sophisticated water clocks were invented in China as early as 600 BC.
Labels: 12 kingdoms, black moon, fantasy, japanese, translations
March 18, 2023
Hills of Silver Ruins (4/31)
Labels: 12 kingdoms, black moon, fantasy, japanese, translations
March 11, 2023
Hills of Silver Ruins (4/30)
Labels: 12 kingdoms, black moon, fantasy, japanese, translations
March 04, 2023
Hills of Silver Ruins (4/29)
Later in the chapter we see preference falsification in action.
A taika (胎果) is a person born in China or Japan because of a shoku event that transplanted a ranka (卵果) into the body of a pregnant woman. A child like Youko will genetically resemble her parents until she returns to the Twelve Kingdoms, at which point she "sheds" her outer skin.
Labels: 12 kingdoms, black moon, fantasy, japanese, translations